Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management

Scandinavian SCM day

Presentation abstracts:

Continuous Delivery - how does it change the CM role? (Christian Pendleton, Fredrik Stål):
We will talk about how the life changes for the CM expert when the company starts using continuous delivery and continuous deployment. What are our new focus areas in our daily work? How can we serve the development organization best in this new setup?

A journey in scaling up software development (Thor Lange):
Through the last decade Nykredit has been on a journey with Java development from a few deployed applications in a few application containers, to hundreds of applications in a large number of application server clusters. Handling this requires management of build and deployment of the applications, as well as management of the configuration and provisioning of the application servers. All this well before terms such as continuous integration and continuous delivery were common. We will go fast-forward through this journey from no management to a high degree of automation for inspiration or amusement and conclude with a brief look at what is next for Nykredit.

My Italian SCM perspective (Michele Sacchetti):
An overview of SCM adoption across different Italian companies, with an in-deep over recent startup devops approach.

From Continuous Integration to Continuous Delivery (Andreas Göransson):
The theme for this Open Space is about how to move from Continuous Integration (CI) to Continuous Delivery (CD). Exchange experiences and ideas on how to made CD happen.
Example discussion topics:

Reaching across: one application for all mobile and web platforms (Alexander Haraldsson):
The need for cross platform support is growing as more and more new devices are put to market and the users demand to move seamlessly between them. To build one separate application for each platform is not sustainable anymore and at the same time the consumers demand the features and strengths for the individual platforms.
The community is already actively trying to evolve both methods and tools to reach across the platforms; but what are the possibilities today and for the future? What commonalities can we find and which variation points needs to be taken care of?

A better life in CM? (Bengt Johansson):
For me working with CM is a constant strive for simplicity and efficiency. My work primarily focuses on achieving the goals of CM with automation and tools development, not process and manual audits. In my presentation I will talk about how we try to achieve this at my company using tools like Jenkins, scripting with Python and Web based services.

What is happening in the SCM world? (Lars Bendix):
In the academic world it has been more than ten years since there was a conference on SCM. It seems like these days SCM-related research is reported at such related conferences and not at one single one. I have attended three "SCM-related" conferences and will very briefly report about SCM-interesting news from the "Mining Software Repositories", "Program Comprehension" and "Software Engineering" fields.
Industry seems, on the other hand, to have been able to "keep SCM-stuff together" - one example is the Scandinavian SCM day which is now at its eleventh edition. The British Computer Society has a CM Specialist Group organizing regular SCM conferences, this year for the eigth time two days prior to our SCM day. And the "Jenkins-roar" that Praqma has managed to stir up for a couple of years now in Copenhagen has turned into a more Continuous Delivery conference that has grown into a Scandinavian event with conferences in Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen. I will report on what seems to be "hot" at these conferences.