Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management
Time: Monday, March 31st, 2014.
Place: Lund Institute of Technology, Building E, room E:4130 aka LUCAS-room
Title: Variant handling for web applications
Hosts: Henrik Gyllensvärd, LTH
Native web applications are on the rise along with new mobile platforms like Firefox OS, Ubuntu Touch and Tizen. The applications are based on the HTML5 standard and thus the code base should be very similar between the platforms. We are investigating the possibility of making developing easier; by combining this to one code base with small deviations for each platform, instead of having one separate code base per platform.
One approach we discussed most for the developers is to “pretend” that there is one code base and keep each application updated in the background. So all the changes done in for example the Firefox OS application will be reflected in both in the Ubuntu Touch and Tizen application.
The following questions will guide the discussions: