Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management
Time: Monday, March 22nd, 2021, 15:30-16:30 (CET).
Place: video conferencing at your own computer.
Title: Bill of Materials in a Software context
Host: Lars Bendix - Computer Science, Lund University
Bill of Materials (BoM) is a well established and widely used concept in the Hardware world. In the Software world it is a completely different story. Some people have used it for more than 20 years - others have not even heared about the concept. There also seems to be no common agreement on how a Software BoM is defined and what is its purpose - and obviously the use cases for a Software BoM vary wildly.
A first round with Italian configuration managers gave some ideas of what a Software BoM could be, why we would want to have one - and what it could be useful for. Now I want to use that as input for a second round with Scandinavian configuration managers - to see if we can get a richer picture for the use cases for a Software BoM - and a more precise "definition" of a Software BoM. We could also compare and discuss our ideas and opinions with those from some recent semi-committee work in the US.
I would be very interested in listening to people with practical experience using Software BoMs (even if may have had a different name) - and equally as interested in listening to people who have never used it but have qualified ideas and opinions to contribute.
Presentation and discussions will be in English.
Registration is mandatory by email to Lars Bendix (