Specialist Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management
Because it is worth the time - and even more than that. You should consider that as a configuration manager you service and support a group of 8-100 people. If you pick up just one single thing that can make each person save a couple of seconds a day - then your investment of time (hopefully paid for by your company) will be fully repaid in a short time.
The short answer: because it is worth it!
The slightly longer answer: because a small investment of time will get you one hour of free help and advice from a group of 5-12 (Software) Configuration Management experts!
The long answer: In general there are two types of topics as CMCMs: problems and solutions.
For a "problems-CMCM" you have a problem that has been tormenting (or puzzling/intriguing) you for
some time - you have sort of an idea of what the problem is, but don't really know how you could go about
addressing it.
For a "solutions-CMCM" you have (had) a problem (maybe brain-stormed at a previous CMCM) and have
come up with what you find is a good solution - but you are a little uncertain if it may also be the most
optimal solution.
FAQ: can I have more than one CMCM on the same topic? Yes, but not on the same day!
Did we manage to sell the idea? Contact the organizers! We can manage the setup, we have the mailing list and can provide you with some "support material" to help you get the most out of your CMCM.