Scandinavian Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management
Presentation abstracts:
A Quality Assurance view on Configuration Management
(Lars Beck):
Quality assurance can’t exist without configuration management, and in some aspects, quality assurance
and configuration management have overlapping areas of focus and interest, even in agile software
development using a V-model.
How to change/evolve a SW architecture to better support CI/CD scenarios
(Mauro de Pascale):
Enterprise Architecture is always seen as a problem to workaround by Agile teams. On of the reasons is that
usually an EA design takes longer than an Agile iteration producing a release and when finished is often
already obsolete (because of new technologies, because of new requirements, because of new feedbacks).
Continous Architecture is an attempt to mediate Agile's need to be fast and to embrace change with the
benefit of a long term strategy and planned control switching from designing the software to designing
the product.
Moving from past into future
(Conny Enghoff):
SimCorp is a company where the biggest and most important product had the first check in into SCM system
back in 1995. It has evolved ever since based on a custom-made tool stack and repository with APL and Oracle
database as its core serving a steady increasing number of developers, customers and product versions.
Time has come, where a major transformation is necessary both in terms of development and delivery models,
as well as the repository and tools supporting the deployment pipeline:
Experiences with integrating an SCM system with a binary repository manager
(Sten Rosendahl):
Not all SCM systems can handle binary artifacts, but even if they can, it may be slow or cumbersome, especially
in a big system where you need to baseline the usage of internal and external modules. At FIS, we decided to
complement our source control system with Artifactory to optimize this process.
Micro-tutorial: Streamed lines, branching patterns
(Lars Bendix):
Version Control tools are in part used for co-ordinating a groups of developers and in part for being a
Configuration Management Data Base giving the history for how a product has been developed.
We do not have many different mechanisms in version control tools to handle these situations - basically
we have branching and merging. So it becomes important that these two mechanisms can be used in different
ways to support different situations.
In this micro-tutorial we will go through different stragegies for branching and merging and look at what
advantages and drawbacks each strategy has so we can select strategies that are well suited for specific
Open Space - Naming convensions and versioning schemes, one standard to rule them all?
(Sofus Albertsen,
Christian Pendleton):
Disregarding time based versioning, we tend to converge towards SemVer as the standard versioning scheme.
But can that standard stand alone? And what happens when the legacy part of real life hits theory?
In this open space discussion we will share stories as well as discuss a standard way of aproaching uniform
Open Space - Centralizing vs. Distributing SCM (Not GIT vs. Subversion)
(Artour Klevin,
Jon Nessmar):
In this Open Space we consider the two following context: The first one the
organization has decided to build a dedicated team to manage all tool
related responsibilities, that main purpose is to make sure that the teams
have a way to deliver their software. In the second context we only
dedicate responsibility of the infrastructure, either to team or buy it in
the cloud. In this context development teams themselves will take
responsibility for their deliveries. What we wish to discuss in this open
space is how the role of a CM changes between these contexts and what the
highest prioritised focus areas are.
Open Space - Towards a Configuration Management Manifesto
(Lars Bendix):
A manifesto is a published verbal declaration of the intentions, motives, or views of the issuer, be it an
individual, group, political party or government.
In the Agile world they have a manifesto stating the philosophy and core values of agile and giving a list
of guidelines for how to be/do agile. This makes life easier for agile practitioners when they have to
adapt/implement agile development - or to get back to "the beaten track" when they become dis-orientated
in the jungle of different agile concepts/methods.
Maybe it was time to have a manifesto also for (software) configuration management.
In contrast to the Software
Configuration Management Sales Pitches that serve to
explain to outsiders what SCM is and can to, an SCM manifesto would have an "internal" purpose by guiding
SCM practitioners in the right direction and making it clear what are the common values for all the
different flavours of configuration management work.