Specialist Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management
Italian SCM summit, Genova/Parma/Pavia/Torino, Italy.
The Italian SCM summit is an opportunity for people from academia and industry with a passion
for Software Configuration Management to get together twice a year to discuss SCM, exchange ideas
and share problems.
The next Italian SCM summit will be May 9th - in Genova.
At the Italian SCM summit you will:
- be able to further your formal and informal SCM education
- get new information and inspiration you can bring back home
- listen to presentations of problems and results from the research world
- listen to presentations of problems and solutions from the industry world
- meet colleagues with whom you can discuss and share your frustrations - and ideas
Previous Italian SCM summits:
- Spring-summit April, 19th, 2024
- Spring-summit May 12th, 2023
- Spring-summit May 6th, 2022
- Spring-summit May 5th, 2021
- Spring-summit May 14th, 2020
- Autumn-summit November 29th, 2019
- Spring-summit May 10th, 2019
- Autumn-summit October 26th, 2018
- Spring-summit April 20th, 2018
- Summit October 27th, 2017
- Pre-summit May 12th, 2017
- Summit October 28th, 2016
- Pre-summit April 15th, 2016
- Summit October 26th, 2015
- Pre-summit April 13th, 2015
- Summit October 27th, 2014
Why "Italian"?
- Closer distance and lower cost (than you going to the
Scandinavian SCM Day
in Copenhagen), more homogeneous "culture", same language
Why "SCM"?
- I love it (and know something about it) - and you do too. So let's enjoy ourselves!
Why a "summit"?
- because face-to-face meetings and discussions are so much more productive and enjoyable.
- restricting the number of participants make sure that we have active and intense discussions.
Why a Spring Summit in April/May?
- Italians seem to be too impatient to wait 12 months for the next summit
- it gives me an excuse to go to Italy one more time ;-)
Why "Genova"?
- Quite a few of the participants in the summits come from Genova or around. So it only seems decent to come
and visit them from time to time instead of this "hub of SCM activity" always having to go other places. It should
also make it easier for people from the Milano area - or even Rome - to take part in our summit.
Why "late October"?
- I am usually in Italy (Parma) at that time.
Why "Parma"?
- for some years I have been teaching a course on
in Parma and the local Computer Science Department has volunteered to provide room and local organization help.
Why "Torino"?
- One of our "die-hard" participants now works for Emerasoft
in Torino and they have generously offered to host our autumn 2019 summit. This gives us the possibility to visit him
and see a new place. Hopefully it also makes it easier for people from the Torino and Milano area to participate in
the summit.
Why "Pavia"?
- People from FacilityLive have for several years
been consistent and very active participants in our summits. Now they have generously offered to host our Spring
Summits so we have a possibility to get physically closer to Milano and to establish contacts and collaboration
with Università di Pavia.
If you have questions or want to be notified of updates, please send an email to:
Lars Bendix