Specialist Network of Excellence
Software Configuration Management

Italian SCM summit, Genova/Parma/Pavia/Torino, Italy.

The Italian SCM summit is an opportunity for people from academia and industry with a passion for Software Configuration Management to get together twice a year to discuss SCM, exchange ideas and share problems.

The next Italian SCM summit will be May 9th - in Genova.

At the Italian SCM summit you will:

Previous Italian SCM summits:

Why "Italian"?

Why "SCM"?

Why a "summit"?

Why a Spring Summit in April/May?

Why "Genova"?

Why "late October"?

Why "Parma"?

Why "Torino"?

Why "Pavia"?

If you have questions or want to be notified of updates, please send an email to: Lars Bendix